Belisa Soares

Belisa Soares.jpegSound possesses a unique power to shape our experiences and emotions. A well-designed acoustic element transforms mere spaces into more inviting environments, making the entire process fascinating.

From an early age, I developed a deep passion for acoustics and the environment, two areas that, to me, are closely connected and fundamental to our quality of life and the health of our planet. My profound respect for nature taught me the importance of preservation, and this commitment is reflected in all the actions and decisions I make.


A well-designed acoustic element transforms mere spaces into more inviting environments, making the entire process fascinating.

Today, I am an environmental engineer, holding a master's degree in innovation and technology, and I am a specialist in acoustics. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to visit other countries and contribute a little in each place I have been. Innovation is in my blood. Through projects, consultancy, and new constructions, supported by studies and real-world examples, I take pride in being able to make a difference, creating better and more sustainable environments for everyone.