Kristin Rian

Kristin_push.pngEnsuring high-quality sound is a vital aspect of our corporate social responsibility. Sustainability isn't just about the environment; it also has a significant social dimension. Social sustainability means fostering positive work and learning environments, where acoustics play a pivotal role.

While universal design is frequently discussed, sound is often neglected in this conversation, with the emphasis typically placed on visible and tangible elements. As a result, many people face discrimination in public spaces due to inadequate attention to acoustics.


That's why we dedicate considerable effort to maintaining sound quality while achieving an appealing design, encouraging builders, property owners, and businesses to prioritise acoustics.

That's why we dedicate considerable effort to maintaining sound quality while achieving an appealing design, encouraging builders, property owners, and businesses to prioritise acoustics. This mission is deeply meaningful to me, as it infuses my work with purpose, which I find truly important.