Marcin Latta

MarcinLatta.jpgThe imagination of air molecules vibrating around, acoustic waves propagating through the space and interfering with each other, finally reaching our ears, being converted in our brains into auditory impressions, speech or music, giving us the opportunity for everyday communication and experiencing artistic delights - this is incredibly fascinating.

My adventure with shaping the sound environment began 12 years ago during my studies at the Institute of Acoustics. This is where this fascination began and continues uninterrupted to this day.

When I help to solve problems with noise or reverberation, I love to base on data – measurements, calculations and simulations – to be sure that I provide high-level, accurate solution that will increase client’s satisfaction and performance.


I believe that everyone deserves to have appropriate acoustic conditions at their workplace, at school, at home, that provide comfort and support our activities.

I get a lot of satisfaction when I can see how much positive impact from correct acoustic adaptation comes. Problems with speech intelligibility, range of noise or high noise level dissapear, giving employees comfortable environment to do their best and take a lot of satisfaction from their work instead of irritation and headache. It gives me huge motivation and energy to go further and help other companies with their acoustic problems. I believe that everyone deserves to have appropriate acoustic conditions at their workplace, at school, at home, that provide comfort and support our activities.

There is still a lot to be done with building proper acoustic environments and raising awareness among users of premises, architects, designers, investors how crucial it is for our wellbeing. I treat it as a mission, the fulfillment of which gives me a lot of satisfaction. So... how can I help you?