A modern meeting room with a white rectangular table surrounded by red and grey chairs. The room features a unique acoustic ceiling design with grey and orange shoe-like shapes, bright LED lighting, and a display of various shoe models on wall-mounted shelves. There is a door on the far end, leading to another room.

Bata office

Project: Bata office

Segment: Office

Country/city: Czech Republic, Prague

Architect: Ahrend Czech Republic, Červený klobouk atelier, Ing. Matěj Kosík

Photographer: Petr Andrlík

Production year: 2017

The Bata office in the heart of Prague, Czech Republic, designed by Ahrend Czech Republic and Červený klobouk atelier under the leadership of architect Ing. Matěj Kosík, offer a prestigious blend of tradition, elegance, and modern design. Home to Bata’s international marketing department, this office space reflects the company's deep-rooted heritage as a global leader in footwear, while providing a luxurious and functional work environment.

From the earliest stages of the project, the design team worked closely with both Bata’s management and employees to ensure the office not only met the company’s aesthetic standards but also provided a comfortable and practical workspace. The challenge was to harmonise modern, clean design with the building's protected historical status. Generous spaces with high ceilings were transformed into cosy, acoustically comfortable areas through the use of innovative acoustic solutions, such as acoustic ceilings and free-hanging elements.

One of the standout features is the playful yet functional incorporation of Bata's signature product into the design: acoustic absorbers shaped like shoes. Crafted using Ecophon Solo™ Freedom products, these absorbers not only enhance the acoustics within the space by reducing noise levels but also serve as a tribute to Bata’s footwear legacy. The shoe-shaped absorbers subtly reinforce the brand's identity, creating a work environment that is both connected to its history and forward-looking.

Additionally, Ecophon Solo™ Rectangle panels were installed in key areas like the conference room and canteen to further improve acoustics. These sleek, free-hanging panels help create a more comfortable atmosphere for meetings and provide a quieter, more relaxed dining experience for employees.