Louda Auto showroom

Project: Louda Auto showroom

Segment: Additional areas

Country/city: Czech Republic, Prague

Architect: Archicraft s.r.o., Senior Architect Tadeáš Hlaváček

Ceiling installer: Futura Czech s.r.o.

Photographer: Lukáš Legierski

Production year: 2024

The Louda Auto project in Prague, designed by Archicraft s.r.o. under the guidance of Senior Architect Tadeáš Hlaváček, presents a refined and modern space that elevates the customer experience. As a significant seller of new vehicles, Louda Auto’s facility reflects its leading position in the automotive industry. The project’s design enhances both the sales and service experience, providing a sophisticated environment for all visitors.

In the specific context of the showroom, concrete walls and high ceilings initially caused excessive reverberation, prompting the installation of free-hanging Ecophon Solo™ Baffle. These were chosen in two colours — Dark Diamond and White Frost — to both optimise acoustics and complement the showroom's modern design.

Additionally, Ecophon Solo™ Baffle were installed in the canteen and reception area to improve sound quality and create a more pleasant environment. They also feature in hallways to reduce echoes and control sound reflection, contributing to a quieter and more comfortable experience in each of these spaces.